
At several moments in the compilation process, Nanoc exposes several variables containing site data. These variables take the appearance of Ruby instance variables, i.e. prefixed with an @ sigil (e.g. @items).

These variables can also be accessed without the @ sigil (e.g. items). Some filters may not support the @ notation; in this case, the @ should be dropped.

The following variables exist:

The item representation that is currently being compiled.
The item that is currently being compiled.
The list of all items, including ones that have not yet been compiled.
The layout that is currently being used in the layout phase.
The list of all layouts.
The site configuration as a hash.

There are three contexts in which variables are exposed: in the preprocess/postprocess block, within compile and route rules, and during filtering/layouting.


The @config variable contains the site configuration, read from nanoc.yaml or config.yaml.

The attribute for the given key, or nil if the key is not found.
@config.fetch(:some_key, fallback)object
The attribute for the given key, or fallback if the key is not found.
@config.fetch(:some_key) { |key| … }object
The attribute for the given key, or the value of the block if the key is not found.
@config.key?(:some_key)true / false
Whether or not an attribute with the given key exists.

The following methods are available during preprocessing:

@config[:some_key] = some_valuenothing
Assigns the given value to the attribute with the given key.

@items and @layouts

The @items variable contains all items in the site. Similarly, @layouts contains all layouts.

The single item or layout that matches given argument, or nil if nothing is found.
@items.each { |item| … }nothing
@layouts.each { |item| … }nothing
Yields every item or layout.
@items.find_all(arg)collection of items
@layouts.find_all(arg)collection of layouts
All items or layouts that match given argument.
The number of items.

Both @items and @layouts include Ruby’s Enumerable, which means useful methods such as #map and #select are available.

To find an item or layout by identifier, passing the identifier to the #[] method:


You can also pass a string pattern (a glob) to #[] to find an item or layout whose identifier matches the given string:


Additionally, you can pass a regular expression to the #[] method, which will find the item or layout whose identifier matches that regex:


The #find_all method is similar to #[], but returns a collection of items or layouts, rather than a single result.

The following methods are available during preprocessing:

@items.delete_if { |item| … }nothing
@layouts.delete_if { |layout| … }nothing
Removes any item or layout for which the given block returns true.
@items.create(content, attributes, identifier)nothing
@items.create(content, attributes, identifier, binary: true)nothing
@layouts.create(content, attributes, identifier)nothing
Creates an item with the given content, attributes, and identifier. For items, if the :binary parameter is true, the content will be considered binary.


The @item variable contains the item that is currently being processed. This variable is available within compilation and routing rules, as well as while filtering and laying out an item.

The attribute for the given key.
A hash containing all attributes of this item.
@item.binary?true / false
Whether or not the source content of this item is binary.
@item.compiled_content(rep: :foo)String
@item.compiled_content(snapshot: :bar)String
The compiled content. The :rep option specifies the item representation (:rep by default), while :snapshot specifies the snapshot (:last by default). This method cannot be used in the preprocessor or the rules, as the content has not been (fully) compiled at that point.
@item.fetch(:some_key, fallback)object
The attribute for the given key, or fallback if the key is not found.
@item.fetch(:some_key) { |key| … }object
The attribute for the given key, or the value of the block if the key is not found.
The identifier, e.g. /, or /about/ (with legacy identifier format).
@item.key?(some_key)true / false
Whether or not an attribute with the given key exists.
@item.path(rep: :foo)String
@item.path(snapshot: :bar)String
The path to the compiled item, without the index filename (e.g. if the item rep is routed to /foo/index.html, the path will be /foo/). The :rep option specifies the item representation (:rep by default), while :snapshot specifies the snapshot (:last by default).
@item.raw_filenameString / nil
The path to the file containing the uncompiled content of this item.
@item.repscollection of reps
The collection of representations for this item.

For items that use the legacy identifier format (e.g. /page/ rather than /, the following methods are available:

@item.parentitem / nil
The parent of this item, i.e. the item that corresponds with this item’s identifier with the last component removed. For example, the parent of the item with identifier /foo/bar/ is the item with identifier /foo/.
@item.childrencollection of items
The items for which this item is the parent.

The following methods are available during preprocessing:

@item[:some_key] = some_valuenothing
Assigns the given value to the attribute with the given key.
Updates the attributes based on the given hash.

The item reps collection (@item.reps) has the following methods:

@item.reps[:name]item rep / nil
The item representation with the given name, or nil if the requested item rep does not exists.
@item.reps.each { |rep| … }nothing
Yields every item representation.
@item.reps.fetch(:name)item rep
The item representation with the given name. Raises if the requested item rep does not exist.
The number of item representations.

The following methods are available during postprocessing:

true if the item’s compiled content has changed; false otherwise.

Item representation collections include Ruby’s Enumerable, which means useful methods such as #map and #select are available.


The @layout variable contains the layout that is currently being used. This variable is only available while laying out an item.

The attribute for the given key.
A hash containing all attributes of this layout.
@layout.fetch(:some_key, fallback)object
The attribute for the given key, or fallback if the key is not found.
@layout.fetch(:some_key) { |key| … }object
The attribute for the given key, or the value of the block if the key is not found.
The identifier, e.g. /, or /about/ (with legacy identifier format).
@layout.key?(some_key)true / false
Whether or not an attribute with the given key exists.

The following methods are available during preprocessing:

@layout[:some_key] = some_valuenothing
Assigns the given value to the attribute with the given key.
Updates the attributes based on the given hash.

@item_rep or @rep

The @item_rep variable contains the item representation that is currently being processed. It is also available as @rep. This variable is available while filtering and laying out an item.

@item_rep.binary?true / false
Whether or not the content of the :last snapshot of this item representation is binary.
The item for the item rep.
The name of the item rep, e.g. :default.
@item_rep.path(snapshot: :foo)String
The path to the compiled item representation, without the index filename (e.g. if it is routed to /foo/index.html, the path will be /foo/). The :snapshot specifies the snapshot (:last by default).
@item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :foo)String
The full path to the compiled item representation, including the path to the output directory and the index filename (e.g. if it is routed to /foo/index.html, the raw path might be /home/denis/mysite/output/foo/index.html). The :snapshot specifies the snapshot (:last by default).
@item_rep.compiled_content(snapshot: :bar)String
The compiled content. The :snapshot specifies the snapshot (:last by default).